Selected Presentations
“Mobile phones and film making in Africa” talk at the National Museum of Scotland to introduce screenings as part of their film festival, African Cinema in the Digital Age
“Untangling Ohm’s Apparatus” at the Object Lessons and Nature Tables conference, The Museum of English Rural Life [link]
Invited paper: “The many politics of displaying Cameroon’s mobile culture” at Mobile Africa Revisited, The University of Leiden, The Netherlands [link to video]
“Collecting and representing Cameroonian communications stories” at Artefacts Conference, National Museums Scotland
“Mathematical Muddles and Troublesome Tuning: How Music Works” at Science Museum Lates
“Domesticating electrical equipment: tinkering and the British identity” at Electrifying the City: Spaces and Places for Electricity in Twentieth Century Britain
“Working with museum objects for research” workshop and presentation given to students studying the Topics in the History of Physical Sciences course at UCL
“How the electric telegraph sparked lively debate between scientists and engineers” at BSHS annual conference
“How do you run a successful telegraph company when you don’t know how the electric telegraph works?” for Science Museum Talks
Interviewed for a range of broadcast and print about the Visions of the Great White South exhibition I curated for the Scott Polar Research Institute, hosted by Bonhams. [The Guardian] [BBC World Service] [BBC Breakfast] [Le Point]
Interview about the ‘brown dog affair’ and vivisection for Radio 4 programme, Scenes from Student Life [link]
Interview and demonstration of building a voltaic pile, like that invented by Alessandro Volta in 1799, in front of a live audience for the Naked Scientists radio show. The show is broadcast on BBC Radio 5 Live and ABC Radio National, Australia. [link] [my blog post]
Interviewed in a Science Museum film, ‘The Making of Information Age: Cameroon Mobile Phone Call Box’ [link]
Featured across a range of broadcast, print and online media marking the 20th birthday of the IBM Simon, arguably the world’s first smartphone. [Press Association video report] [The Mail Online] [BBC Online] [E&T magazine] [The Independent]
Interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme and the BBC World Service’s Newshour about the influence and impact of GPS and SatNav services on our lives. [listen from 36:00]
Panellist on Tech Tent, broadcast on the BBC World Service. [link]
Interviewed by Sky News for their iPad app, talking about the Science of Star Trek.
Recorded a podcast with the BBC College of Production about my Expert Women training experiences. [link]
Interviewed live on BBC World News for the World Service television channel about the 40th anniversary of the first mobile phone call.
Expert contributor on BBC 2’s ‘The Genius of Invention’ Episode 3: Communication. Discussing Samuel Morse, Charles Wheatstone and the development of the electric telegraph. [link to program pages]
Radio contributor to Radio 4’s ‘Last Word’ program. Discussing impact of Tingye Li’s pioneering work on lasers. [link]
Television interviews for the 20th anniversary of the SMS message for BBC lunchtime news, Sky News, Al Jazeera and CNN. [link to CNN clip]
Interview about Cassette Technology for Resonance FM [link]
Careers Podcast – interview for UCL department of Science and Technology Studies [link]
Selected Publications
Connelly, C. 2017. “How Antarctica became home to a new kind of scientific diplomacy”. The Guardian. [link]
Blyth, T. (ed.) 2014. “[the six essays within the Cell and Broadcast chapters]” in Information Age: Six Networks That Changed Our World. London: Scala [link]
Kavanagh, J. McSweeney, K. Naula, D. and Connelly, C. 2014. “Journey into participation: a viewpoint from the Science Museum, London.” Participation now [link]
Connelly, C. 2011. “Object of the Issue: Charlotte Connelly debates how to display the BESM-6, a Russian Supercomputer”Viewpoint 95 p.7
Connelly, C. 2010. “A Regal Recording?” Stories from the Stores Blog (Science Museum) [link]
Connelly, C. 2010. Wounded Souls: Exhibition Blog [link]
Connelly, C. 2007. “The story behind The Evolution of Genetic Systems, by Cyril Dean Darlington,” in Cain, Joe (ed). 2006-. First class essays (London: Department of Science and Technology Studies, University College London). [link]