Frozen in time?

This blog post was written following the Objects in Motion conference, held at CRASSH, University of Cambridge. We often imagine that museum objects end their lives when they enter a collection. At the Objects in Motion conference, there was much discussion over whether museum collections are alive, dead, or just resting. Often museum objects have been through …

Simon Says… “be smart”

  Twenty years ago, on 16 August 1994, the Bellsouth IBM Simon hit the American market. Weighing in at a hefty half a kilogram, and looking rather like a grey brick, the Simon was advertised with a not-so-snappy slogan declaring it to be “The World’s First Cellular Communicator”. Although the slogan was a bit of a mouthful, …

A journey into participation

  Participation, co-creation, collaboration – these are all buzzwords in museums at the moment, keys that can unlock funding and impress stakeholders. However, pinning down what they mean in practice can be tricky. The range of activities that could be considered participatory is enormous, and coming up with a systematic approach is difficult given the …