This year for Christmas I decided to treat myself and give my website some much needed attention as it’s been neglected for well over a year. For the first time I’ve included a blog, and, although I’ve never really been one for new year’s resolutions, I think 2012 will see me attempting to blog fairly regularly.
In my day job I’m a curator at the Science Museum, so you can expect plenty of history of science and technology related posts. I’m also a musician and in the coming months I’ll be reading a bit about how science and technology have influenced music – so watch for some posts that combine the two. There may also be some video blogs appearing featuring history of science and technology in the Midlands (in and around Banbury) – my partner has just bought a video camera and is determined to put it to good use, I think I’ll be the first guinea pig.
My first ‘real’ blog post will be sometime in January, so in the meantime have a great Christmas, enjoy the days beginning to lengthen and watch this space.